--- &test-CC74
Title: Spec Example 6.20. Tag Handles
Tags: [ directive, spec, tag, unknown-tag ]
%TAG !e! tag:example.com,2000:app/
!e!foo "bar"
+DOC ---
=VAL <tag:example.com,2000:app/foo> "bar
Minimal Events:
=VAL <tag:example.com,2000:app/foo> "bar
Transformed Events:
=VAL <!e!foo> "bar
Got Events:
=VAL <!e!foo> "bar
"%TAG !e! tag:example.com,2000:app/ --- !e!foo \"bar\""
YAML Error: Expected separator '---'
Line: 1
Document: 2
at /perl5/lib/perl5/YAML/Loader.pm line 88.
YAML Error: Expected separator '---'
Line: 1
Document: 2
at /perl5/lib/perl5/YAML/Loader.pm line 88.
Line Col Char Byte Token|Content
1 0 0 0 +DOC |
1 0 0 0 +DIR |
1 0 0 0 =SYNX|%
1 1 1 1 =META|TAG
1 4 4 4 =WSPC|.
1 5 5 5 +HAND|
1 5 5 5 =SYNX|!
1 6 6 6 =META|e
1 7 7 7 =SYNX|!
1 8 8 8 -HAND|
1 8 8 8 =WSPC|.
1 9 9 9 +TAG |
1 9 9 9 =META|tag:example.com,2000:app/
1 34 34 34 -TAG |
1 34 34 34 -DIR |
1 34 34 34 =EOL |\x0a
2 0 35 35 =HEAD|---
2 3 38 38 =EOL |\x0a
3 0 39 39 +NODE|
3 0 39 39 +PROP|
3 0 39 39 +TAG |
3 0 39 39 +HAND|
3 0 39 39 =SYNX|!
3 1 40 40 =META|e
3 2 41 41 =SYNX|!
3 3 42 42 -HAND|
3 3 42 42 =META|foo
3 6 45 45 -TAG |
3 6 45 45 -PROP|
3 6 45 45 =WSPC|.
3 7 46 46 +VAL |
3 7 46 46 =SYNX|"
3 8 47 47 =TEXT|bar
3 11 50 50 =SYNX|"
3 12 51 51 -VAL |
3 12 51 51 -NODE|
3 12 51 51 =EOL |\x0a
4 0 52 52 -DOC |
'%TAG !e! tag:example.com,2000:app/ --- !e!foo "bar"'
GenericScalar(tag='tag:example.com,2000:app/foo', content='bar')
GenericScalar(tag='tag:example.com,2000:app/foo', content='bar')
Unhandled exception. YamlDotNet.Core.YamlException: (Line: 3, Col: 1, Idx: 39) - (Line: 3, Col: 13, Idx: 51): Encountered an unresolved tag 'tag:example.com,2000:app/foo'
at YamlDotNet.Serialization.NodeTypeResolvers.PreventUnknownTagsNodeTypeResolver.YamlDotNet.Serialization.INodeTypeResolver.Resolve(NodeEvent nodeEvent, Type& currentType)
at YamlDotNet.Serialization.ValueDeserializers.NodeValueDeserializer.GetTypeFromEvent(NodeEvent nodeEvent, Type currentType)
at YamlDotNet.Serialization.ValueDeserializers.NodeValueDeserializer.DeserializeValue(IParser parser, Type expectedType, SerializerState state, IValueDeserializer nestedObjectDeserializer)
at YamlDotNet.Serialization.ValueDeserializers.AliasValueDeserializer.DeserializeValue(IParser parser, Type expectedType, SerializerState state, IValueDeserializer nestedObjectDeserializer)
at YamlDotNet.Serialization.Deserializer.Deserialize(IParser parser, Type type)
at YamlDotNet.Serialization.Deserializer.Deserialize(TextReader input, Type type)
at YamlDotNet.Serialization.Deserializer.Deserialize(TextReader input)
at Program.Main(String[] commandLineArguments)
Aborted (core dumped)
throw generateError(state, message);
YAMLException: unknown tag !<tag:example.com,2000:app/foo> (3:13)
1 | %TAG !e! tag:example.com,2000:app/
2 | ---
3 | !e!foo "bar"
at generateError (/node/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/loader.js:183:10)
at throwError (/node/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/loader.js:187:9)
at composeNode (/node/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/loader.js:1521:7)
at readDocument (/node/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/loader.js:1625:3)
at loadDocuments (/node/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/loader.js:1688:5)
at Object.loadAll (/node/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/loader.js:1701:19)
at Object.<anonymous> (/yaml/bin/js-jsyaml-json:7:13)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1358:14)
at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1416:10)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1208:32) {
reason: 'unknown tag !<tag:example.com,2000:app/foo>',
mark: {
name: null,
buffer: '%TAG !e! tag:example.com,2000:app/\n---\n!e!foo "bar"\n',
position: 51,
line: 2,
column: 12,
snippet: ' 1 | %TAG !e! tag:example.com,2000:app/\n' +
' 2 | ---\n' +
' 3 | !e!foo "bar"\n' +
Node.js v20.13.1
YAML::Tiny failed to classify line '%TAG !e! tag:example.com,2000:app/' at /yaml/bin/perl-tiny-json line 12.
YAML::Tiny failed to classify line '%TAG !e! tag:example.com,2000:app/' at /yaml/bin/perl-tiny-perl line 15.
YAML::XS Error: bad tag found for scalar: 'tag:example.com,2000:app/foo' at /yaml/bin/perl-xs-json line 14, <> line 1.
YAML::XS Error: bad tag found for scalar: 'tag:example.com,2000:app/foo' at /yaml/bin/perl-xs-perl line 16, <> line 1.