in-yaml |
in-json |
test-event |
# 229Q - Spec Example 2.4. Sequence of Mappings
name: Mark McGwire
hr: 65
avg: 0.278
name: Sammy Sosa
hr: 63
avg: 0.288
"name": "Mark McGwire",
"hr": 65,
"avg": 0.278
"name": "Sammy Sosa",
"hr": 63,
"avg": 0.288
=VAL :name
=VAL :Mark McGwire
=VAL :hr
=VAL :65
=VAL :avg
=VAL :0.278
=VAL :name
=VAL :Sammy Sosa
=VAL :hr
=VAL :63
=VAL :avg
=VAL :0.288
# 26DV - Whitespace around colon in mappings
"top1" :
"key1" : &alias1 scalar1
'top2' :
'key2' : &alias2 scalar2
top3: &node3
*alias1 : scalar3
*alias2 : scalar4
top5 :
&anchor6 'key6' : scalar6
"top1": {
"key1": "scalar1"
"top2": {
"key2": "scalar2"
"top3": {
"scalar1": "scalar3"
"top4": {
"scalar2": "scalar4"
"top5": "scalar5",
"top6": {
"key6": "scalar6"
=VAL "top1
=VAL "key1
=VAL &alias1 :scalar1
=VAL 'top2
=VAL 'key2
=VAL &alias2 :scalar2
=VAL :top3
+MAP &node3
=ALI *alias1
=VAL :scalar3
=VAL :top4
=ALI *alias2
=VAL :scalar4
=VAL :top5
=VAL :scalar5
=VAL :top6
=VAL &anchor6 'key6
=VAL :scalar6
# 27NA - Spec Example 5.9. Directive Indicator
+DOC ---
=VAL :text
# 2AUY - Tags in Block Sequence
- !!str a
- b
- !!int 42
- d
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :a
=VAL :b
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:int> :42
=VAL :d
# 2EBW - Allowed characters in keys
a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~: safe
?foo: safe question mark
:foo: safe colon
-foo: safe dash
this is#not: a comment
"a!\"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\\]^_`az{|}~": "safe",
"?foo": "safe question mark",
":foo": "safe colon",
"-foo": "safe dash",
"this is#not": "a comment"
=VAL :a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\\]^_`az{|}~
=VAL :safe
=VAL :?foo
=VAL :safe question mark
=VAL ::foo
=VAL :safe colon
=VAL :-foo
=VAL :safe dash
=VAL :this is#not
=VAL :a comment
# 2G84:02 - Literal modifers
+DOC ---
=VAL |
# 2G84:03 - Literal modifers
+DOC ---
=VAL |
# 2JQS - Block Mapping with Missing Keys
=VAL :
=VAL :a
=VAL :
=VAL :b
# 2LFX - Spec Example 6.13. Reserved Directives [1.3]
%FOO bar baz # Should be ignored
# with a warning.
+DOC ---
=VAL "foo
# 2SXE - Anchors With Colon in Name
&a: key: &a value
"key": "value",
"foo": "key"
=VAL &a: :key
=VAL &a :value
=VAL :foo
=ALI *a:
# 2XXW - Spec Example 2.25. Unordered Sets
# Sets are represented as a
# Mapping where each key is
# associated with a null value
--- !!set
? Mark McGwire
? Sammy Sosa
? Ken Griff
"Mark McGwire": null,
"Sammy Sosa": null,
"Ken Griff": null
+DOC ---
+MAP <tag:yaml.org,2002:set>
=VAL :Mark McGwire
=VAL :
=VAL :Sammy Sosa
=VAL :
=VAL :Ken Griff
=VAL :
# 33X3 - Three explicit integers in a block sequence
- !!int 1
- !!int -2
- !!int 33
+DOC ---
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:int> :1
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:int> :-2
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:int> :33
# 35KP - Tags for Root Objects
--- !!map
? a
: b
--- !!seq
- !!str c
--- !!str
"a": "b"
"d e"
+DOC ---
+MAP <tag:yaml.org,2002:map>
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
+DOC ---
+SEQ <tag:yaml.org,2002:seq>
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :c
+DOC ---
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :d e
# 36F6 - Multiline plain scalar with empty line
+DOC ---
=VAL :plain
=VAL :a b\nc
# 3ALJ - Block Sequence in Block Sequence
=VAL :s1_i1
=VAL :s1_i2
=VAL :s2
# 3GZX - Spec Example 7.1. Alias Nodes
First occurrence: &anchor Foo
Second occurrence: *anchor
Override anchor: &anchor Bar
Reuse anchor: *anchor
"First occurrence": "Foo",
"Second occurrence": "Foo",
"Override anchor": "Bar",
"Reuse anchor": "Bar"
=VAL :First occurrence
=VAL &anchor :Foo
=VAL :Second occurrence
=ALI *anchor
=VAL :Override anchor
=VAL &anchor :Bar
=VAL :Reuse anchor
=ALI *anchor
# 3MYT - Plain Scalar looking like key, comment, anchor and tag
+DOC ---
=VAL :k:#foo &a !t s
# 3R3P - Single block sequence with anchor
+SEQ &sequence
=VAL :a
# 3RLN:00 - Leading tabs in double quoted
=VAL "1 leading \ttab
# 3RLN:01 - Leading tabs in double quoted
=VAL "2 leading \ttab
# 3RLN:02 - Leading tabs in double quoted
=VAL "3 leading tab
# 3RLN:03 - Leading tabs in double quoted
=VAL "4 leading \t tab
# 3RLN:04 - Leading tabs in double quoted
=VAL "5 leading \t tab
# 3RLN:05 - Leading tabs in double quoted
=VAL "6 leading tab
# 3UYS - Escaped slash in double quotes
"escaped slash": "a/b"
=VAL :escaped slash
=VAL "a/b
# 4ABK - Flow Mapping Separate Values
unquoted : "separate",
omitted value:,
+MAP {}
=VAL :unquoted
=VAL "separate
=VAL :http://foo.com
=VAL :
=VAL :omitted value
=VAL :
# 4CQQ - Spec Example 2.18. Multi-line Flow Scalars
This unquoted scalar
spans many lines.
quoted: "So does this
quoted scalar.\n"
"plain": "This unquoted scalar spans many lines.",
"quoted": "So does this quoted scalar.\n"
=VAL :plain
=VAL :This unquoted scalar spans many lines.
=VAL :quoted
=VAL "So does this quoted scalar.\n
# 4FJ6 - Nested implicit complex keys
[ a, [ [[b,c]]: d, e]]: 23
+DOC ---
+SEQ []
+MAP {}
+SEQ []
=VAL :a
+SEQ []
+MAP {}
+SEQ []
+SEQ []
=VAL :b
=VAL :c
=VAL :d
=VAL :e
=VAL :23
# 4GC6 - Spec Example 7.7. Single Quoted Characters
=VAL 'here's to "quotes"
# 4MUZ:00 - Flow mapping colon on line after key
+MAP {}
=VAL "foo
=VAL "bar
# 4MUZ:01 - Flow mapping colon on line after key
+MAP {}
=VAL "foo
=VAL :bar
# 4MUZ:02 - Flow mapping colon on line after key
+MAP {}
=VAL :foo
=VAL :bar
# 4Q9F - Folded Block Scalar [1.3]
+DOC ---
=VAL >ab cd\nef\n\ngh\n
# 4QFQ - Spec Example 8.2. Block Indentation Indicator [1.3]
- |
- >
# detected
- |1
- >
"\n\n# detected\n",
" explicit\n",
=VAL |detected\n
=VAL >\n\n# detected\n
=VAL | explicit\n
=VAL >detected\n
# 4RWC - Trailing spaces after flow collection
+SEQ []
=VAL :1
=VAL :2
=VAL :3
# 4UYU - Colon in Double Quoted String
=VAL "foo: bar": baz
# 4V8U - Plain scalar with backslashes
+DOC ---
=VAL :plain\\value\\with\\backslashes
# 4WA9 - Literal scalars
"aaa" : "xxx\n",
"bbb" : "xxx\n"
=VAL :aaa
=VAL |xxx\n
=VAL :bbb
=VAL |xxx\n
# 4ZYM - Spec Example 6.4. Line Prefixes
plain: text
quoted: "text
block: |
"plain": "text lines",
"quoted": "text lines",
"block": "text\n \tlines\n"
=VAL :plain
=VAL :text lines
=VAL :quoted
=VAL "text lines
=VAL :block
=VAL |text\n \tlines\n
# 52DL - Explicit Non-Specific Tag [1.3]
+DOC ---
=VAL <!> :a
# 54T7 - Flow Mapping
"foo": "you",
"bar": "far"
+MAP {}
=VAL :foo
=VAL :you
=VAL :bar
=VAL :far
# 565N - Construct Binary
canonical: !!binary "\
generic: !!binary |
The binary value above is a tiny arrow encoded as a gif image.
"canonical": "R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=",
"generic": "R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5\nOTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/+\n+f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLC\nAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=\n",
"description": "The binary value above is a tiny arrow encoded as a gif image."
=VAL :canonical
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:binary> "R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLCAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=
=VAL :generic
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:binary> |R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5\nOTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/+\n+f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLC\nAgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs=\n
=VAL :description
=VAL :The binary value above is a tiny arrow encoded as a gif image.
# 57H4 - Spec Example 8.22. Block Collection Nodes
sequence: !!seq
- entry
- !!seq
- nested
mapping: !!map
foo: bar
"sequence": [
"mapping": {
"foo": "bar"
=VAL :sequence
+SEQ <tag:yaml.org,2002:seq>
=VAL :entry
+SEQ <tag:yaml.org,2002:seq>
=VAL :nested
=VAL :mapping
+MAP <tag:yaml.org,2002:map>
=VAL :foo
=VAL :bar
# 58MP - Flow mapping edge cases
+MAP {}
=VAL :x
=VAL ::x
# 5BVJ - Spec Example 5.7. Block Scalar Indicators
literal: |
folded: >
"literal": "some\ntext\n",
"folded": "some text\n"
=VAL :literal
=VAL |some\ntext\n
=VAL :folded
=VAL >some text\n
# 5C5M - Spec Example 7.15. Flow Mappings
- { one : two , three: four , }
- {five: six,seven : eight}
"one": "two",
"three": "four"
"five": "six",
"seven": "eight"
+MAP {}
=VAL :one
=VAL :two
=VAL :three
=VAL :four
+MAP {}
=VAL :five
=VAL :six
=VAL :seven
=VAL :eight
# 5GBF - Spec Example 6.5. Empty Lines
"Empty line
as a line feed"
Chomping: |
Clipped empty lines
"Folding": "Empty line\nas a line feed",
"Chomping": "Clipped empty lines\n"
=VAL :Folding
=VAL "Empty line\nas a line feed
=VAL :Chomping
=VAL |Clipped empty lines\n
# 5KJE - Spec Example 7.13. Flow Sequence
- [ one, two, ]
- [three ,four]
+SEQ []
=VAL :one
=VAL :two
+SEQ []
=VAL :three
=VAL :four
# 5MUD - Colon and adjacent value on next line
+DOC ---
+MAP {}
=VAL "foo
=VAL :bar
# 5NYZ - Spec Example 6.9. Separated Comment
=VAL :key
=VAL :value
# 5T43 - Colon at the beginning of adjacent flow scalar
- { "key":value }
- { "key"::value }
"key": "value"
"key": ":value"
+MAP {}
=VAL "key
=VAL :value
+MAP {}
=VAL "key
=VAL ::value
# 5TYM - Spec Example 6.21. Local Tag Prefix
%TAG !m! !my-
--- # Bulb here
!m!light fluorescent
%TAG !m! !my-
--- # Color here
!m!light green
+DOC ---
=VAL <!my-light> :fluorescent
-DOC ...
+DOC ---
=VAL <!my-light> :green
# 5WE3 - Spec Example 8.17. Explicit Block Mapping Entries
? explicit key # Empty value
? |
block key
: - one # Explicit compact
- two # block value
"explicit key": null,
"block key\n": [
=VAL :explicit key
=VAL :
=VAL |block key\n
=VAL :one
=VAL :two
# 652Z - Question mark at start of flow key
"?foo" : "bar",
"bar" : 42
+MAP {}
=VAL :?foo
=VAL :bar
=VAL :bar
=VAL :42
# 65WH - Single Entry Block Sequence
=VAL :foo
# 6BCT - Spec Example 6.3. Separation Spaces
"foo": "bar"
=VAL :foo
=VAL :bar
=VAL :baz
=VAL :baz
# 6BFJ - Mapping, key and flow sequence item anchors
&key [ &item a, b, c ]: value
+DOC ---
+MAP &mapping
+SEQ [] &key
=VAL &item :a
=VAL :b
=VAL :c
=VAL :value
# 6CA3 - Tab indented top flow
+SEQ []
# 6CK3 - Spec Example 6.26. Tag Shorthands
%TAG !e! tag:example.com,2000:app/
- !local foo
- !!str bar
- !e!tag%21 baz
+DOC ---
=VAL <!local> :foo
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :bar
=VAL <tag:example.com,2000:app/tag!> :baz
# 6FWR - Block Scalar Keep
+DOC ---
=VAL |ab\n\n \n
-DOC ...
# 6H3V - Backslashes in singlequotes
=VAL 'foo: bar\\
=VAL :baz'
# 6HB6 - Spec Example 6.1. Indentation Spaces
# Leading comment line spaces are
# neither content nor indentation.
Not indented:
By one space: |
By four
Flow style: [ # Leading spaces
By two, # in flow style
Also by two, # are neither
Still by two # content nor
] # indentation.
"Not indented": {
"By one space": "By four\n spaces\n",
"Flow style": [
"By two",
"Also by two",
"Still by two"
=VAL :Not indented
=VAL :By one space
=VAL |By four\n spaces\n
=VAL :Flow style
+SEQ []
=VAL :By two
=VAL :Also by two
=VAL :Still by two
# 6JQW - Spec Example 2.13. In literals, newlines are preserved
--- |
// || ||__
"\\//||\\/||\n// || ||__\n"
+DOC ---
=VAL |\\//||\\/||\n// || ||__\n
# 6JWB - Tags for Block Objects
foo: !!seq
- !!str a
- !!map
key: !!str value
"foo": [
"key": "value"
=VAL :foo
+SEQ <tag:yaml.org,2002:seq>
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :a
+MAP <tag:yaml.org,2002:map>
=VAL :key
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :value
# 6KGN - Anchor for empty node
a: &anchor
b: *anchor
+DOC ---
=VAL :a
=VAL &anchor :
=VAL :b
=ALI *anchor
# 6LVF - Spec Example 6.13. Reserved Directives
%FOO bar baz # Should be ignored
# with a warning.
--- "foo"
+DOC ---
=VAL "foo
# 6M2F - Aliases in Explicit Block Mapping
=VAL &a :a
=VAL &b :b
=VAL :
=ALI *a
# 6PBE - Zero-indented sequences in explicit mapping keys
+DOC ---
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
=VAL :c
=VAL :d
# 6SLA - Allowed characters in quoted mapping key
"foo\nbar:baz\tx \\$%^&*()x": 23
'x\ny:z\tx $%^&*()x': 24
"foo\nbar:baz\tx \\$%^&*()x": 23,
"x\\ny:z\\tx $%^&*()x": 24
=VAL "foo\nbar:baz\tx \\$%^&*()x
=VAL :23
=VAL 'x\\ny:z\\tx $%^&*()x
=VAL :24
# 6VJK - Spec Example 2.15. Folded newlines are preserved for "more indented" and blank lines
Sammy Sosa completed another
fine season with great stats.
63 Home Runs
0.288 Batting Average
What a year!
"Sammy Sosa completed another fine season with great stats.\n\n 63 Home Runs\n 0.288 Batting Average\n\nWhat a year!\n"
=VAL >Sammy Sosa completed another fine season with great stats.\n\n 63 Home Runs\n 0.288 Batting Average\n\nWhat a year!\n
# 6WLZ - Spec Example 6.18. Primary Tag Handle [1.3]
# Private
!foo "bar"
# Global
%TAG ! tag:example.com,2000:app/
!foo "bar"
+DOC ---
=VAL <!foo> "bar
-DOC ...
+DOC ---
=VAL <tag:example.com,2000:app/foo> "bar
# 6WPF - Spec Example 6.8. Flow Folding [1.3]
+DOC ---
=VAL " foo\nbar\nbaz
# 6XDY - Two document start markers
+DOC ---
=VAL :
+DOC ---
=VAL :
# 6ZKB - Spec Example 9.6. Stream
# Empty
%YAML 1.2
matches %: 20
"matches %": 20
=VAL :Document
+DOC ---
=VAL :
-DOC ...
+DOC ---
=VAL :matches %
=VAL :20
# 735Y - Spec Example 8.20. Block Node Types
"flow in block"
- >
Block scalar
- !!map # Block collection
foo : bar
"flow in block",
"Block scalar\n",
"foo": "bar"
=VAL "flow in block
=VAL >Block scalar\n
+MAP <tag:yaml.org,2002:map>
=VAL :foo
=VAL :bar
# 74H7 - Tags in Implicit Mapping
!!str a: b
c: !!int 42
e: !!str f
g: h
!!str 23: !!bool false
"a": "b",
"c": 42,
"e": "f",
"g": "h",
"23": false
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :a
=VAL :b
=VAL :c
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:int> :42
=VAL :e
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :f
=VAL :g
=VAL :h
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :23
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:bool> :false
# 753E - Block Scalar Strip [1.3]
+DOC ---
=VAL |ab
-DOC ...
# 7A4E - Spec Example 7.6. Double Quoted Lines
" 1st non-empty
2nd non-empty
3rd non-empty "
" 1st non-empty\n2nd non-empty 3rd non-empty "
=VAL " 1st non-empty\n2nd non-empty 3rd non-empty
# 7BMT - Node and Mapping Key Anchors [1.3]
top1: &node1
&k1 key1: one
top2: &node2 # comment
key2: two
&k3 key3: three
top4: &node4
&k4 key4: four
top5: &node5
key5: five
top6: &val6
&val7 seven
"top1": {
"key1": "one"
"top2": {
"key2": "two"
"top3": {
"key3": "three"
"top4": {
"key4": "four"
"top5": {
"key5": "five"
"top6": "six",
"top7": "seven"
+DOC ---
=VAL :top1
+MAP &node1
=VAL &k1 :key1
=VAL :one
=VAL :top2
+MAP &node2
=VAL :key2
=VAL :two
=VAL :top3
=VAL &k3 :key3
=VAL :three
=VAL :top4
+MAP &node4
=VAL &k4 :key4
=VAL :four
=VAL :top5
+MAP &node5
=VAL :key5
=VAL :five
=VAL :top6
=VAL &val6 :six
=VAL :top7
=VAL &val7 :seven
# 7BUB - Spec Example 2.10. Node for “Sammy Sosa” appears twice in this document
- Mark McGwire
# Following node labeled SS
- &SS Sammy Sosa
- *SS # Subsequent occurrence
- Ken Griffey
"hr": [
"Mark McGwire",
"Sammy Sosa"
"rbi": [
"Sammy Sosa",
"Ken Griffey"
+DOC ---
=VAL :hr
=VAL :Mark McGwire
=VAL &SS :Sammy Sosa
=VAL :rbi
=VAL :Ken Griffey
# 7FWL - Spec Example 6.24. Verbatim Tags
!<tag:yaml.org,2002:str> foo :
!<!bar> baz
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :foo
=VAL <!bar> :baz
# 7T8X - Spec Example 8.10. Folded Lines - 8.13. Final Empty Lines
* bullet
* list
* lines
# Comment
"\nfolded line\nnext line\n * bullet\n\n * list\n * lines\n\nlast line\n"
=VAL >\nfolded line\nnext line\n * bullet\n\n * list\n * lines\n\nlast line\n
# 7TMG - Comment in flow sequence before comma
[ word1
# comment
, word2]
+DOC ---
+SEQ []
=VAL :word1
=VAL :word2
# 7W2P - Block Mapping with Missing Values
"a": null,
"b": null,
"c": null
=VAL :a
=VAL :
=VAL :b
=VAL :
=VAL :c
=VAL :
# 7Z25 - Bare document after document end marker
key: value
"key": "value"
+DOC ---
=VAL :scalar1
-DOC ...
=VAL :key
=VAL :value
# 7ZZ5 - Empty flow collections
nested sequences:
- - - []
- - - {}
key1: []
key2: {}
"nested sequences": [
"key1": [],
"key2": {}
+DOC ---
=VAL :nested sequences
+SEQ []
+MAP {}
=VAL :key1
+SEQ []
=VAL :key2
+MAP {}
# 82AN - Three dashes and content without space
=VAL :---word1 word2
# 87E4 - Spec Example 7.8. Single Quoted Implicit Keys
'implicit block key' : [
'implicit flow key' : value,
"implicit block key": [
"implicit flow key": "value"
=VAL 'implicit block key
+SEQ []
+MAP {}
=VAL 'implicit flow key
=VAL :value
# 8CWC - Plain mapping key ending with colon
key ends with two colons::: value
"key ends with two colons::": "value"
+DOC ---
=VAL :key ends with two colons::
=VAL :value
# 8G76 - Spec Example 6.10. Comment Lines
# 8KB6 - Multiline plain flow mapping key without value
- { single line, a: b}
- { multi
line, a: b}
"single line": null,
"a": "b"
"multi line": null,
"a": "b"
+DOC ---
+MAP {}
=VAL :single line
=VAL :
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
+MAP {}
=VAL :multi line
=VAL :
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
# 8MK2 - Explicit Non-Specific Tag
=VAL <!> :a
# 8QBE - Block Sequence in Block Mapping
"key": [
=VAL :key
=VAL :item1
=VAL :item2
# 8UDB - Spec Example 7.14. Flow Sequence Entries
quoted", 'single
text, [ nested ],
single: pair,
"double quoted",
"single quoted",
"plain text",
"single": "pair"
+SEQ []
=VAL "double quoted
=VAL 'single quoted
=VAL :plain text
+SEQ []
=VAL :nested
+MAP {}
=VAL :single
=VAL :pair
# 8XYN - Anchor with unicode character
+DOC ---
=VAL &😁 :unicode anchor
# 93JH - Block Mappings in Block Sequence
- key: value
key2: value2
key3: value3
"key": "value",
"key2": "value2"
"key3": "value3"
=VAL :key
=VAL :value
=VAL :key2
=VAL :value2
=VAL :key3
=VAL :value3
# 93WF - Spec Example 6.6. Line Folding [1.3]
+DOC ---
=VAL >trimmed\n\n\nas space
# 96L6 - Spec Example 2.14. In the folded scalars, newlines become spaces
--- >
Mark McGwire's
year was crippled
by a knee injury.
"Mark McGwire's year was crippled by a knee injury.\n"
+DOC ---
=VAL >Mark McGwire's year was crippled by a knee injury.\n
# 96NN:00 - Leading tab content in literals
=VAL :foo
=VAL |\tbar
# 96NN:01 - Leading tab content in literals
=VAL :foo
=VAL |\tbar
# 98YD - Spec Example 5.5. Comment Indicator
# 9BXH - Multiline doublequoted flow mapping key without value
- { "single line", a: b}
- { "multi
line", a: b}
"single line": null,
"a": "b"
"multi line": null,
"a": "b"
+DOC ---
+MAP {}
=VAL "single line
=VAL :
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
+MAP {}
=VAL "multi line
=VAL :
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
# 9DXL - Spec Example 9.6. Stream [1.3]
Mapping: Document
# Empty
%YAML 1.2
matches %: 20
"Mapping": "Document"
"matches %": 20
=VAL :Mapping
=VAL :Document
+DOC ---
=VAL :
-DOC ...
+DOC ---
=VAL :matches %
=VAL :20
# 9FMG - Multi-level Mapping Indent
"a": {
"b": {
"c": "d"
"e": {
"f": "g"
"h": "i"
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
=VAL :c
=VAL :d
=VAL :e
=VAL :f
=VAL :g
=VAL :h
=VAL :i
# 9J7A - Simple Mapping Indent
"foo": {
"bar": "baz"
=VAL :foo
=VAL :bar
=VAL :baz
# 9KAX - Various combinations of tags and anchors
!!str scalar3
&a4 !!map
&a5 !!str key5: value4
a6: 1
&anchor6 b6: 2
&a8 !!str key8: value7
!!str &a10 key10: value9
!!str &a11
"key5": "value4"
"a6": 1,
"b6": 2
"key8": "value7"
"key10": "value9"
+DOC ---
=VAL &a1 <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :scalar1
+DOC ---
=VAL &a2 <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :scalar2
+DOC ---
=VAL &a3 <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :scalar3
+DOC ---
+MAP &a4 <tag:yaml.org,2002:map>
=VAL &a5 <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :key5
=VAL :value4
+DOC ---
=VAL :a6
=VAL :1
=VAL &anchor6 :b6
=VAL :2
+DOC ---
+MAP <tag:yaml.org,2002:map>
=VAL &a8 <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :key8
=VAL :value7
+DOC ---
+MAP <tag:yaml.org,2002:map>
=VAL &a10 <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :key10
=VAL :value9
+DOC ---
=VAL &a11 <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :value11
# 9MMW - Single Pair Implicit Entries
- [ YAML : separate ]
- [ "JSON like":adjacent ]
- [ {JSON: like}:adjacent ]
+SEQ []
+MAP {}
=VAL :separate
+SEQ []
+MAP {}
=VAL "JSON like
=VAL :adjacent
+SEQ []
+MAP {}
+MAP {}
=VAL :like
=VAL :adjacent
# 9MQT:00 - Scalar doc with '...' in content
+DOC ---
=VAL "a ...x b
# 9SA2 - Multiline double quoted flow mapping key
- { "single line": value}
- { "multi
line": value}
"single line": "value"
"multi line": "value"
+DOC ---
+MAP {}
=VAL "single line
=VAL :value
+MAP {}
=VAL "multi line
=VAL :value
# 9SHH - Spec Example 5.8. Quoted Scalar Indicators
single: 'text'
double: "text"
"single": "text",
"double": "text"
=VAL :single
=VAL 'text
=VAL :double
=VAL "text
# 9TFX - Spec Example 7.6. Double Quoted Lines [1.3]
" 1st non-empty
2nd non-empty
3rd non-empty "
" 1st non-empty\n2nd non-empty 3rd non-empty "
+DOC ---
=VAL " 1st non-empty\n2nd non-empty 3rd non-empty
# 9U5K - Spec Example 2.12. Compact Nested Mapping
# Products purchased
- item : Super Hoop
quantity: 1
- item : Basketball
quantity: 4
- item : Big Shoes
quantity: 1
"item": "Super Hoop",
"quantity": 1
"item": "Basketball",
"quantity": 4
"item": "Big Shoes",
"quantity": 1
+DOC ---
=VAL :item
=VAL :Super Hoop
=VAL :quantity
=VAL :1
=VAL :item
=VAL :Basketball
=VAL :quantity
=VAL :4
=VAL :item
=VAL :Big Shoes
=VAL :quantity
=VAL :1
# 9WXW - Spec Example 6.18. Primary Tag Handle
# Private
!foo "bar"
# Global
%TAG ! tag:example.com,2000:app/
!foo "bar"
=VAL <!foo> "bar
-DOC ...
+DOC ---
=VAL <tag:example.com,2000:app/foo> "bar
# 9YRD - Multiline Scalar at Top Level
=VAL :a b c d\ne
# A2M4 - Spec Example 6.2. Indentation Indicators
explicit-key, indent, libyaml-err, sequence, spec, upto-1.2, whitespace
Test Results
"a": [
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
=VAL :c
=VAL :d
# A6F9 - Spec Example 8.4. Chomping Final Line Break
strip: |-
clip: |
keep: |+
"strip": "text",
"clip": "text\n",
"keep": "text\n"
=VAL :strip
=VAL |text
=VAL :clip
=VAL |text\n
=VAL :keep
=VAL |text\n
# A984 - Multiline Scalar in Mapping
"a": "b c",
"d": "e f"
=VAL :a
=VAL :b c
=VAL :d
=VAL :e f
# AB8U - Sequence entry that looks like two with wrong indentation
- single multiline
- sequence entry
"single multiline - sequence entry"
=VAL :single multiline - sequence entry
# AVM7 - Empty Stream
# AZ63 - Sequence With Same Indentation as Parent Mapping
"one": [
"four": 5
=VAL :one
=VAL :2
=VAL :3
=VAL :four
=VAL :5
# AZW3 - Lookahead test cases
- bla"keks: foo
- bla]keks: foo
"bla\"keks": "foo"
"bla]keks": "foo"
=VAL :bla"keks
=VAL :foo
=VAL :bla]keks
=VAL :foo
# B3HG - Spec Example 8.9. Folded Scalar [1.3]
+DOC ---
=VAL >folded text\n
# BEC7 - Spec Example 6.14. “YAML” directive
%YAML 1.3 # Attempt parsing
# with a warning
+DOC ---
=VAL "foo
# BU8L - Node Anchor and Tag on Seperate Lines
=VAL :key
+MAP &anchor <tag:yaml.org,2002:map>
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
# C2DT - Spec Example 7.18. Flow Mapping Adjacent Values
"readable": value,
"adjacent": "value",
"readable": "value",
"empty": null
+MAP {}
=VAL "adjacent
=VAL :value
=VAL "readable
=VAL :value
=VAL "empty
=VAL :
# C4HZ - Spec Example 2.24. Global Tags
%TAG ! tag:clarkevans.com,2002:
--- !shape
# Use the ! handle for presenting
# tag:clarkevans.com,2002:circle
- !circle
center: &ORIGIN {x: 73, y: 129}
radius: 7
- !line
start: *ORIGIN
finish: { x: 89, y: 102 }
- !label
start: *ORIGIN
color: 0xFFEEBB
text: Pretty vector drawing.
"center": {
"x": 73,
"y": 129
"radius": 7
"start": {
"x": 73,
"y": 129
"finish": {
"x": 89,
"y": 102
"start": {
"x": 73,
"y": 129
"color": 16772795,
"text": "Pretty vector drawing."
+DOC ---
+SEQ <tag:clarkevans.com,2002:shape>
+MAP <tag:clarkevans.com,2002:circle>
=VAL :center
=VAL :x
=VAL :73
=VAL :y
=VAL :129
=VAL :radius
=VAL :7
+MAP <tag:clarkevans.com,2002:line>
=VAL :start
=VAL :finish
+MAP {}
=VAL :x
=VAL :89
=VAL :y
=VAL :102
+MAP <tag:clarkevans.com,2002:label>
=VAL :start
=VAL :color
=VAL :text
=VAL :Pretty vector drawing.
# CC74 - Spec Example 6.20. Tag Handles
%TAG !e! tag:example.com,2000:app/
!e!foo "bar"
+DOC ---
=VAL <tag:example.com,2000:app/foo> "bar
# CFD4 - Empty implicit key in single pair flow sequences
- [ : empty key ]
- [: another empty key]
+SEQ []
+MAP {}
=VAL :
=VAL :empty key
+SEQ []
+MAP {}
=VAL :
=VAL :another empty key
# CN3R - Various location of anchors in flow sequence
&flowseq [
a: b,
&c c: d,
{ &e e: f },
&g { g: h }
"a": "b"
"c": "d"
"e": "f"
"g": "h"
+SEQ [] &flowseq
+MAP {}
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
+MAP {}
=VAL &c :c
=VAL :d
+MAP {}
=VAL &e :e
=VAL :f
+MAP {} &g
=VAL :g
=VAL :h
# CPZ3 - Doublequoted scalar starting with a tab
+DOC ---
=VAL :tab
=VAL "\tstring
# CT4Q - Spec Example 7.20. Single Pair Explicit Entry
+SEQ []
+MAP {}
=VAL :foo bar
=VAL :baz
# CUP7 - Spec Example 5.6. Node Property Indicators
anchored: !local &anchor value
alias: *anchor
"anchored": "value",
"alias": "value"
=VAL :anchored
=VAL &anchor <!local> :value
=VAL :alias
=ALI *anchor
# D83L - Block scalar indicator order
- |2-
explicit indent and chomp
- |-2
chomp and explicit indent
"explicit indent and chomp",
"chomp and explicit indent"
=VAL |explicit indent and chomp
=VAL |chomp and explicit indent
# D88J - Flow Sequence in Block Mapping
=VAL :a
+SEQ []
=VAL :b
=VAL :c
# D9TU - Single Pair Block Mapping
=VAL :foo
=VAL :bar
# DBG4 - Spec Example 7.10. Plain Characters
# Outside flow collection:
- ::vector
- ": - ()"
- Up, up, and away!
- -123
- http://example.com/foo#bar
# Inside flow collection:
- [ ::vector,
": - ()",
"Up, up and away!",
http://example.com/foo#bar ]
": - ()",
"Up, up, and away!",
": - ()",
"Up, up and away!",
=VAL :::vector
=VAL ": - ()
=VAL :Up, up, and away!
=VAL :-123
=VAL :http://example.com/foo#bar
+SEQ []
=VAL :::vector
=VAL ": - ()
=VAL "Up, up and away!
=VAL :-123
=VAL :http://example.com/foo#bar
# DC7X - Various trailing tabs
"a": "b",
"seq": [
"c": "d"
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
=VAL :seq
=VAL :a
=VAL :c
=VAL :d
# DE56:00 - Trailing tabs in double quoted
=VAL "1 trailing\t tab
# DE56:01 - Trailing tabs in double quoted
=VAL "2 trailing\t tab
# DE56:02 - Trailing tabs in double quoted
=VAL "3 trailing\t tab
# DE56:03 - Trailing tabs in double quoted
=VAL "4 trailing\t tab
# DE56:04 - Trailing tabs in double quoted
=VAL "5 trailing tab
# DE56:05 - Trailing tabs in double quoted
=VAL "6 trailing tab
# DFF7 - Spec Example 7.16. Flow Mapping Entries
? explicit: entry,
implicit: entry,
+MAP {}
=VAL :explicit
=VAL :entry
=VAL :implicit
=VAL :entry
=VAL :
=VAL :
# DHP8 - Flow Sequence
+SEQ []
=VAL :foo
=VAL :bar
=VAL :42
# DK3J - Zero indented block scalar with line that looks like a comment
--- >
# no comment
"line1 # no comment line3\n"
+DOC ---
=VAL >line1 # no comment line3\n
# DK95:00 - Tabs that look like indentation
=VAL :foo
=VAL :bar
# DK95:02 - Tabs that look like indentation
=VAL :foo
=VAL "bar baz
# DK95:03 - Tabs that look like indentation
=VAL :foo
=VAL :1
# DK95:04 - Tabs that look like indentation
=VAL :foo
=VAL :1
=VAL :bar
=VAL :2
# DK95:05 - Tabs that look like indentation
=VAL :foo
=VAL :1
=VAL :bar
=VAL :2
# DK95:07 - Tabs that look like indentation
+DOC ---
=VAL :
# DK95:08 - Tabs that look like indentation
"foo" : "bar baz \t \t "
=VAL :foo
=VAL "bar baz \t \t
# DWX9 - Spec Example 8.8. Literal Content
"\n\nliteral\n \n\ntext\n"
=VAL |\n\nliteral\n \n\ntext\n
# E76Z - Aliases in Implicit Block Mapping
=VAL &a :a
=VAL &b :b
=ALI *b
=ALI *a
# EHF6 - Tags for Flow Objects
!!map {
k: !!seq
[ a, !!str b]
+MAP {} <tag:yaml.org,2002:map>
=VAL :k
+SEQ [] <tag:yaml.org,2002:seq>
=VAL :a
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :b
# EX5H - Multiline Scalar at Top Level [1.3]
+DOC ---
=VAL :a b c d\ne
# EXG3 - Three dashes and content without space [1.3]
+DOC ---
=VAL :---word1 word2
# F2C7 - Anchors and Tags
- &a !!str a
- !!int 2
- !!int &c 4
- &d d
=VAL &a <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :a
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:int> :2
=VAL &c <tag:yaml.org,2002:int> :4
=VAL &d :d
# F3CP - Nested flow collections on one line
{ a: [b, c, { d: [e, f] } ] }
"a": [
"d": [
+DOC ---
+MAP {}
=VAL :a
+SEQ []
=VAL :b
=VAL :c
+MAP {}
=VAL :d
+SEQ []
=VAL :e
=VAL :f
# F6MC - More indented lines at the beginning of folded block scalars
a: >2
more indented
b: >2
more indented
"a": " more indented\nregular\n",
"b": "\n\n more indented\nregular\n"
+DOC ---
=VAL :a
=VAL > more indented\nregular\n
=VAL :b
=VAL >\n\n more indented\nregular\n
# F8F9 - Spec Example 8.5. Chomping Trailing Lines
# Strip
# Comments:
strip: |-
# text
# Clip
# comments:
clip: |
# text
# Keep
# comments:
keep: |+
# text
# Trail
# comments.
"strip": "# text",
"clip": "# text\n",
"keep": "# text\n\n"
=VAL :strip
=VAL |# text
=VAL :clip
=VAL |# text\n
=VAL :keep
=VAL |# text\n\n
# FBC9 - Allowed characters in plain scalars
safe: a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~
safe question mark: ?foo
safe colon: :foo
safe dash: -foo
"safe": "a!\"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\\]^_`az{|}~ !\"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\\]^_`az{|}~",
"safe question mark": "?foo",
"safe colon": ":foo",
"safe dash": "-foo"
=VAL :safe
=VAL :a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\\]^_`az{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\\]^_`az{|}~
=VAL :safe question mark
=VAL :?foo
=VAL :safe colon
=VAL ::foo
=VAL :safe dash
=VAL :-foo
# FH7J - Tags on Empty Scalars
- !!str
!!null : a
b: !!str
- !!str : !!null
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:null> :
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:null> :
# FP8R - Zero indented block scalar
+DOC ---
=VAL >line1 line2 line3\n
# FQ7F - Spec Example 2.1. Sequence of Scalars
- Mark McGwire
- Sammy Sosa
- Ken Griffey
"Mark McGwire",
"Sammy Sosa",
"Ken Griffey"
=VAL :Mark McGwire
=VAL :Sammy Sosa
=VAL :Ken Griffey
# FRK4 - Spec Example 7.3. Completely Empty Flow Nodes
+MAP {}
=VAL :foo
=VAL :
=VAL :
=VAL :bar
# FTA2 - Single block sequence with anchor and explicit document start
+DOC ---
+SEQ &sequence
=VAL :a
# FUP4 - Flow Sequence in Flow Sequence
+SEQ []
=VAL :a
+SEQ []
=VAL :b
=VAL :c
# G4RS - Spec Example 2.17. Quoted Scalars
unicode: "Sosa did fine.\u263A"
control: "\b1998\t1999\t2000\n"
hex esc: "\x0d\x0a is \r\n"
single: '"Howdy!" he cried.'
quoted: ' # Not a ''comment''.'
tie-fighter: '|\-*-/|'
"unicode": "Sosa did fine.☺",
"control": "\b1998\t1999\t2000\n",
"hex esc": "\r\n is \r\n",
"single": "\"Howdy!\" he cried.",
"quoted": " # Not a 'comment'.",
"tie-fighter": "|\\-*-/|"
=VAL :unicode
=VAL "Sosa did fine.☺
=VAL :control
=VAL "\b1998\t1999\t2000\n
=VAL :hex esc
=VAL "\r\n is \r\n
=VAL :single
=VAL '"Howdy!" he cried.
=VAL :quoted
=VAL ' # Not a 'comment'.
=VAL :tie-fighter
=VAL '|\\-*-/|
# G992 - Spec Example 8.9. Folded Scalar
=VAL >folded text\n
# GH63 - Mixed Block Mapping (explicit to implicit)
"a": 1.3,
"fifteen": "d"
=VAL :a
=VAL :1.3
=VAL :fifteen
=VAL :d
# H2RW - Blank lines
foo: 1
bar: 2
text: |
"foo": 1,
"bar": 2,
"text": "a\n \nb\n\nc\n\nd\n"
=VAL :foo
=VAL :1
=VAL :bar
=VAL :2
=VAL :text
=VAL |a\n \nb\n\nc\n\nd\n
# H3Z8 - Literal unicode
wanted: love ♥ and peace ☮
"wanted": "love ♥ and peace ☮"
+DOC ---
=VAL :wanted
=VAL :love ♥ and peace ☮
# HM87:00 - Scalars in flow start with syntax char
+SEQ []
=VAL ::x
# HM87:01 - Scalars in flow start with syntax char
+SEQ []
=VAL :?x
# HMK4 - Spec Example 2.16. Indentation determines scope
name: Mark McGwire
accomplishment: >
Mark set a major league
home run record in 1998.
stats: |
65 Home Runs
0.278 Batting Average
"name": "Mark McGwire",
"accomplishment": "Mark set a major league home run record in 1998.\n",
"stats": "65 Home Runs\n0.278 Batting Average\n"
=VAL :name
=VAL :Mark McGwire
=VAL :accomplishment
=VAL >Mark set a major league home run record in 1998.\n
=VAL :stats
=VAL |65 Home Runs\n0.278 Batting Average\n
# HMQ5 - Spec Example 6.23. Node Properties
!!str &a1 "foo":
!!str bar
&a2 baz : *a1
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "foo"
=VAL &a1 <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> "foo
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :bar
=VAL &a2 :baz
=ALI *a1
# HS5T - Spec Example 7.12. Plain Lines
1st non-empty
2nd non-empty
3rd non-empty
"1st non-empty\n2nd non-empty 3rd non-empty"
=VAL :1st non-empty\n2nd non-empty 3rd non-empty
# HWV9 - Document-end marker
# J3BT - Spec Example 5.12. Tabs and Spaces
# Tabs and spaces
quoted: "Quoted "
block: |
void main() {
printf("Hello, world!\n");
"quoted": "Quoted \t",
"block": "void main() {\n\tprintf(\"Hello, world!\\n\");\n}\n"
=VAL :quoted
=VAL "Quoted \t
=VAL :block
=VAL |void main() {\n\tprintf("Hello, world!\\n");\n}\n
# J5UC - Multiple Pair Block Mapping
foo: blue
bar: arrr
baz: jazz
"foo": "blue",
"bar": "arrr",
"baz": "jazz"
=VAL :foo
=VAL :blue
=VAL :bar
=VAL :arrr
=VAL :baz
=VAL :jazz
# J7PZ - Spec Example 2.26. Ordered Mappings
# The !!omap tag is one of the optional types
# introduced for YAML 1.1. In 1.2, it is not
# part of the standard tags and should not be
# enabled by default.
# Ordered maps are represented as
# A sequence of mappings, with
# each mapping having one key
--- !!omap
- Mark McGwire: 65
- Sammy Sosa: 63
- Ken Griffy: 58
"Mark McGwire": 65
"Sammy Sosa": 63
"Ken Griffy": 58
+DOC ---
+SEQ <tag:yaml.org,2002:omap>
=VAL :Mark McGwire
=VAL :65
=VAL :Sammy Sosa
=VAL :63
=VAL :Ken Griffy
=VAL :58
# J7VC - Empty Lines Between Mapping Elements
=VAL :one
=VAL :2
=VAL :three
=VAL :4
# J9HZ - Spec Example 2.9. Single Document with Two Comments
hr: # 1998 hr ranking
- Mark McGwire
- Sammy Sosa
# 1998 rbi ranking
- Sammy Sosa
- Ken Griffey
"hr": [
"Mark McGwire",
"Sammy Sosa"
"rbi": [
"Sammy Sosa",
"Ken Griffey"
+DOC ---
=VAL :hr
=VAL :Mark McGwire
=VAL :Sammy Sosa
=VAL :rbi
=VAL :Sammy Sosa
=VAL :Ken Griffey
# JEF9:00 - Trailing whitespace in streams
=VAL |\n\n
# JEF9:01 - Trailing whitespace in streams
=VAL |\n
# JEF9:02 - Trailing whitespace in streams
=VAL |\n
# JHB9 - Spec Example 2.7. Two Documents in a Stream
# Ranking of 1998 home runs
- Mark McGwire
- Sammy Sosa
- Ken Griffey
# Team ranking
- Chicago Cubs
- St Louis Cardinals
"Mark McGwire",
"Sammy Sosa",
"Ken Griffey"
"Chicago Cubs",
"St Louis Cardinals"
+DOC ---
=VAL :Mark McGwire
=VAL :Sammy Sosa
=VAL :Ken Griffey
+DOC ---
=VAL :Chicago Cubs
=VAL :St Louis Cardinals
# JQ4R - Spec Example 8.14. Block Sequence
block sequence:
- one
- two : three
"block sequence": [
"two": "three"
=VAL :block sequence
=VAL :one
=VAL :two
=VAL :three
# JR7V - Question marks in scalars
- a?string
- another ? string
- key: value?
- [a?string]
- [another ? string]
- {key: value? }
- {key: value?}
- {key?: value }
"another ? string",
"key": "value?"
"another ? string"
"key": "value?"
"key": "value?"
"key?": "value"
=VAL :a?string
=VAL :another ? string
=VAL :key
=VAL :value?
+SEQ []
=VAL :a?string
+SEQ []
=VAL :another ? string
+MAP {}
=VAL :key
=VAL :value?
+MAP {}
=VAL :key
=VAL :value?
+MAP {}
=VAL :key?
=VAL :value
# JS2J - Spec Example 6.29. Node Anchors
First occurrence: &anchor Value
Second occurrence: *anchor
"First occurrence": "Value",
"Second occurrence": "Value"
=VAL :First occurrence
=VAL &anchor :Value
=VAL :Second occurrence
=ALI *anchor
# JTV5 - Block Mapping with Multiline Scalars
"a true": "null d",
"e 42": null
=VAL :a true
=VAL :null d
=VAL :e 42
=VAL :
# K3WX - Colon and adjacent value after comment on next line
{ "foo" # comment
:bar }
+DOC ---
+MAP {}
=VAL "foo
=VAL :bar
# K4SU - Multiple Entry Block Sequence
=VAL :foo
=VAL :bar
=VAL :42
# K527 - Spec Example 6.6. Line Folding
=VAL >trimmed\n\n\nas space
# K54U - Tab after document header
+DOC ---
=VAL :scalar
# K858 - Spec Example 8.6. Empty Scalar Chomping
strip: >-
clip: >
keep: |+
"strip": "",
"clip": "",
"keep": "\n"
=VAL :strip
=VAL >
=VAL :clip
=VAL >
=VAL :keep
=VAL |\n
# KH5V:00 - Inline tabs in double quoted
=VAL "1 inline\ttab
# KH5V:01 - Inline tabs in double quoted
=VAL "2 inline\ttab
# KH5V:02 - Inline tabs in double quoted
=VAL "3 inline\ttab
# KK5P - Various combinations of explicit block mappings
? - a
? - a
: b
? - a
: >
? >
? - a
: - b
=VAL :complex1
=VAL :a
=VAL :
=VAL :complex2
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
=VAL :complex3
=VAL :a
=VAL >b\n
=VAL :complex4
=VAL >a\n
=VAL :
=VAL :complex5
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
# KMK3 - Block Submapping
"foo": {
"bar": 1
"baz": 2
=VAL :foo
=VAL :bar
=VAL :1
=VAL :baz
=VAL :2
# KSS4 - Scalars on --- line
--- "quoted
--- &node foo
+DOC ---
=VAL "quoted string
+DOC ---
=VAL &node :foo
# L24T:00 - Trailing line of spaces
=VAL :foo
=VAL |x\n \n
# L24T:01 - Trailing line of spaces
=VAL :foo
=VAL |x\n \n
# L383 - Two scalar docs with trailing comments
--- foo # comment
--- foo # comment
+DOC ---
=VAL :foo
+DOC ---
=VAL :foo
# L94M - Tags in Explicit Mapping
? !!str a
: !!int 47
? c
: !!str d
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :a
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:int> :47
=VAL :c
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :d
# L9U5 - Spec Example 7.11. Plain Implicit Keys
implicit block key : [
implicit flow key : value,
"implicit block key": [
"implicit flow key": "value"
=VAL :implicit block key
+SEQ []
+MAP {}
=VAL :implicit flow key
=VAL :value
# LE5A - Spec Example 7.24. Flow Nodes
- !!str "a"
- 'b'
- &anchor "c"
- *anchor
- !!str
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> "a
=VAL 'b
=VAL &anchor "c
=ALI *anchor
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :
# LP6E - Whitespace After Scalars in Flow
- [a, b , c ]
- { "a" : b
, c : 'd' ,
e : "f"
- [ ]
"a": "b",
"c": "d",
"e": "f"
+SEQ []
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
=VAL :c
+MAP {}
=VAL "a
=VAL :b
=VAL :c
=VAL 'd
=VAL :e
=VAL "f
+SEQ []
# LQZ7 - Spec Example 7.4. Double Quoted Implicit Keys
"implicit block key" : [
"implicit flow key" : value,
"implicit block key": [
"implicit flow key": "value"
=VAL "implicit block key
+SEQ []
+MAP {}
=VAL "implicit flow key
=VAL :value
# LX3P - Implicit Flow Mapping Key on one line
+SEQ []
=VAL :flow
=VAL :block
# M29M - Literal Block Scalar
"a": "ab\n\ncd\nef\n"
=VAL :a
=VAL |ab\n\ncd\nef\n
-DOC ...
# M2N8:00 - Question mark edge cases
=VAL :
=VAL :x
=VAL :
# M2N8:01 - Question mark edge cases
+SEQ []
=VAL :x
=VAL :
# M5C3 - Spec Example 8.21. Block Scalar Nodes
literal: |2
"literal": "value\n",
"folded": "value\n"
=VAL :literal
=VAL |value\n
=VAL :folded
=VAL <!foo> >value\n
# M5DY - Spec Example 2.11. Mapping between Sequences
? - Detroit Tigers
- Chicago cubs
- 2001-07-23
? [ New York Yankees,
Atlanta Braves ]
: [ 2001-07-02, 2001-08-12,
2001-08-14 ]
=VAL :Detroit Tigers
=VAL :Chicago cubs
=VAL :2001-07-23
+SEQ []
=VAL :New York Yankees
=VAL :Atlanta Braves
+SEQ []
=VAL :2001-07-02
=VAL :2001-08-12
=VAL :2001-08-14
# M6YH - Block sequence indentation
"foo" : "bar"
=VAL |x\n
=VAL :foo
=VAL :bar
=VAL :42
# M7A3 - Spec Example 9.3. Bare Documents
# No document
%!PS-Adobe-2.0 # Not the first line
"Bare document"
"%!PS-Adobe-2.0 # Not the first line\n"
=VAL :Bare document
-DOC ...
=VAL |%!PS-Adobe-2.0 # Not the first line\n
# M7NX - Nested flow collections
a: [
b, c, {
d: [e, f]
"a": [
"d": [
+DOC ---
+MAP {}
=VAL :a
+SEQ []
=VAL :b
=VAL :c
+MAP {}
=VAL :d
+SEQ []
=VAL :e
=VAL :f
# M9B4 - Spec Example 8.7. Literal Scalar
=VAL |literal\n\ttext\n
# MJS9 - Spec Example 6.7. Block Folding
"foo \n\n\t bar\n\nbaz\n"
=VAL >foo \n\n\t bar\n\nbaz\n
# MUS6:02 - Directive variants
+DOC ---
=VAL :
# MUS6:03 - Directive variants
+DOC ---
=VAL :
# MUS6:04 - Directive variants
+DOC ---
=VAL :
# MUS6:05 - Directive variants
+DOC ---
=VAL :
# MUS6:06 - Directive variants
+DOC ---
=VAL :
# MXS3 - Flow Mapping in Block Sequence
+MAP {}
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
# MYW6 - Block Scalar Strip
=VAL |ab
-DOC ...
# MZX3 - Non-Specific Tags on Scalars
- plain
- "double quoted"
- 'single quoted'
- >
- plain again
"double quoted",
"single quoted",
"plain again"
=VAL :plain
=VAL "double quoted
=VAL 'single quoted
=VAL >block\n
=VAL :plain again
# NAT4 - Various empty or newline only quoted strings
a: '
b: '
c: "
d: "
e: '
f: "
g: '
h: "
"a": " ",
"b": " ",
"c": " ",
"d": " ",
"e": "\n",
"f": "\n",
"g": "\n\n",
"h": "\n\n"
+DOC ---
=VAL :a
=VAL '
=VAL :b
=VAL '
=VAL :c
=VAL "
=VAL :d
=VAL "
=VAL :e
=VAL '\n
=VAL :f
=VAL "\n
=VAL :g
=VAL '\n\n
=VAL :h
=VAL "\n\n
# NB6Z - Multiline plain value with tabs on empty lines
"key": "value with\ntabs"
=VAL :key
=VAL :value with\ntabs
# NHX8 - Empty Lines at End of Document
=VAL :
=VAL :
# NJ66 - Multiline plain flow mapping key
- { single line: value}
- { multi
line: value}
"single line": "value"
"multi line": "value"
+DOC ---
+MAP {}
=VAL :single line
=VAL :value
+MAP {}
=VAL :multi line
=VAL :value
# NKF9 - Empty keys in block and flow mapping
key: value
: empty key
key: value, : empty key
# empty key and value
# empty key and value
{ : }
+DOC ---
=VAL :key
=VAL :value
=VAL :
=VAL :empty key
+DOC ---
+MAP {}
=VAL :key
=VAL :value
=VAL :
=VAL :empty key
+DOC ---
=VAL :
=VAL :
+DOC ---
+MAP {}
=VAL :
=VAL :
# NP9H - Spec Example 7.5. Double Quoted Line Breaks
to a space,
to a line feed, or \
\ non-content"
"folded to a space,\nto a line feed, or \t \tnon-content"
=VAL "folded to a space,\nto a line feed, or \t \tnon-content
# P2AD - Spec Example 8.1. Block Scalar Header
- | # Empty header↓
- >1 # Indentation indicator↓
- |+ # Chomping indicator↓
- >1- # Both indicators↓
" folded\n",
" strip"
=VAL |literal\n
=VAL > folded\n
=VAL |keep\n\n
=VAL > strip
# P76L - Spec Example 6.19. Secondary Tag Handle
%TAG !! tag:example.com,2000:app/
!!int 1 - 3 # Interval, not integer
+DOC ---
=VAL <tag:example.com,2000:app/int> :1 - 3
# P94K - Spec Example 6.11. Multi-Line Comments
key: # Comment
# lines
=VAL :key
=VAL :value
# PBJ2 - Spec Example 2.3. Mapping Scalars to Sequences
- Boston Red Sox
- Detroit Tigers
- New York Yankees
- New York Mets
- Chicago Cubs
- Atlanta Braves
"american": [
"Boston Red Sox",
"Detroit Tigers",
"New York Yankees"
"national": [
"New York Mets",
"Chicago Cubs",
"Atlanta Braves"
=VAL :american
=VAL :Boston Red Sox
=VAL :Detroit Tigers
=VAL :New York Yankees
=VAL :national
=VAL :New York Mets
=VAL :Chicago Cubs
=VAL :Atlanta Braves
# PRH3 - Spec Example 7.9. Single Quoted Lines
' 1st non-empty
2nd non-empty
3rd non-empty '
" 1st non-empty\n2nd non-empty 3rd non-empty "
=VAL ' 1st non-empty\n2nd non-empty 3rd non-empty
# PUW8 - Document start on last line
+DOC ---
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
+DOC ---
=VAL :
# PW8X - Anchors on Empty Scalars
- &a
- a
&a : a
b: &b
&c : &a
? &d
? &e
: &a
=VAL &a :
=VAL :a
=VAL &a :
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
=VAL &b :
=VAL &c :
=VAL &a :
=VAL &d :
=VAL :
=VAL &e :
=VAL &a :
# Q5MG - Tab at beginning of line followed by a flow mapping
+MAP {}
# Q88A - Spec Example 7.23. Flow Content
- [ a, b ]
- { a: b }
- "a"
- 'b'
- c
"a": "b"
+SEQ []
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
+MAP {}
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
=VAL "a
=VAL 'b
=VAL :c
# Q8AD - Spec Example 7.5. Double Quoted Line Breaks [1.3]
to a space,
to a line feed, or \
\ non-content"
"folded to a space,\nto a line feed, or \t \tnon-content"
+DOC ---
=VAL "folded to a space,\nto a line feed, or \t \tnon-content
# Q9WF - Spec Example 6.12. Separation Spaces
{ first: Sammy, last: Sosa }:
# Statistics:
hr: # Home runs
avg: # Average
+MAP {}
=VAL :first
=VAL :Sammy
=VAL :last
=VAL :Sosa
=VAL :hr
=VAL :65
=VAL :avg
=VAL :0.278
# QF4Y - Spec Example 7.19. Single Pair Flow Mappings
+SEQ []
+MAP {}
=VAL :foo
=VAL :bar
# QT73 - Comment and document-end marker
# R4YG - Spec Example 8.2. Block Indentation Indicator
folded, libyaml-err, literal, scalar, spec, upto-1.2, whitespace
Test Results
- |
- >
# detected
- |1
- >
"\n\n# detected\n",
" explicit\n",
=VAL |detected\n
=VAL >\n\n# detected\n
=VAL | explicit\n
=VAL >\t\ndetected\n
# R52L - Nested flow mapping sequence and mappings
{ top1: [item1, {key2: value2}, item3], top2: value2 }
"top1": [
"key2": "value2"
"top2": "value2"
+DOC ---
+MAP {}
=VAL :top1
+SEQ []
=VAL :item1
+MAP {}
=VAL :key2
=VAL :value2
=VAL :item3
=VAL :top2
=VAL :value2
# RLU9 - Sequence Indent
"foo": [
"bar": [
=VAL :foo
=VAL :42
=VAL :bar
=VAL :44
# RR7F - Mixed Block Mapping (implicit to explicit)
=VAL :a
=VAL :4.2
=VAL :d
=VAL :23
# RTP8 - Spec Example 9.2. Document Markers
%YAML 1.2
... # Suffix
+DOC ---
=VAL :Document
-DOC ...
# RZP5 - Various Trailing Comments [1.3]
a: "double
quotes" # lala
b: plain
value # lala
c : #lala
? # lala
- seq1
: # lala
- #lala
e: &node # lala
- x: y
block: > # lala
=VAL :a
=VAL "double quotes
=VAL :b
=VAL :plain value
=VAL :c
=VAL :d
=VAL :seq1
=VAL :seq2
=VAL :e
+SEQ &node
=VAL :x
=VAL :y
=VAL :block
=VAL >abcde\n
# RZT7 - Spec Example 2.28. Log File
Time: 2001-11-23 15:01:42 -5
User: ed
This is an error message
for the log file
Time: 2001-11-23 15:02:31 -5
User: ed
A slightly different error
Date: 2001-11-23 15:03:17 -5
User: ed
Unknown variable "bar"
- file: TopClass.py
line: 23
code: |
x = MoreObject("345\n")
- file: MoreClass.py
line: 58
code: |-
foo = bar
"Time": "2001-11-23 15:01:42 -5",
"User": "ed",
"Warning": "This is an error message for the log file"
"Time": "2001-11-23 15:02:31 -5",
"User": "ed",
"Warning": "A slightly different error message."
"Date": "2001-11-23 15:03:17 -5",
"User": "ed",
"Fatal": "Unknown variable \"bar\"",
"Stack": [
"file": "TopClass.py",
"line": 23,
"code": "x = MoreObject(\"345\\n\")\n"
"file": "MoreClass.py",
"line": 58,
"code": "foo = bar"
+DOC ---
=VAL :Time
=VAL :2001-11-23 15:01:42 -5
=VAL :User
=VAL :ed
=VAL :Warning
=VAL :This is an error message for the log file
+DOC ---
=VAL :Time
=VAL :2001-11-23 15:02:31 -5
=VAL :User
=VAL :ed
=VAL :Warning
=VAL :A slightly different error message.
+DOC ---
=VAL :Date
=VAL :2001-11-23 15:03:17 -5
=VAL :User
=VAL :ed
=VAL :Fatal
=VAL :Unknown variable "bar"
=VAL :Stack
=VAL :file
=VAL :TopClass.py
=VAL :line
=VAL :23
=VAL :code
=VAL |x = MoreObject("345\\n")\n
=VAL :file
=VAL :MoreClass.py
=VAL :line
=VAL :58
=VAL :code
=VAL |foo = bar
# S3PD - Spec Example 8.18. Implicit Block Mapping Entries
plain key: in-line value
: # Both empty
"quoted key":
- entry
=VAL :plain key
=VAL :in-line value
=VAL :
=VAL :
=VAL "quoted key
=VAL :entry
# S4JQ - Spec Example 6.28. Non-Specific Tags
# Assuming conventional resolution:
- "12"
- 12
- ! 12
=VAL "12
=VAL :12
=VAL <!> :12
# S4T7 - Document with footer
=VAL :aaa
=VAL :bbb
-DOC ...
# S7BG - Colon followed by comma
+DOC ---
=VAL ::,
# S9E8 - Spec Example 5.3. Block Structure Indicators
- one
- two
? sky
: blue
sea : green
"sequence": [
"mapping": {
"sky": "blue",
"sea": "green"
=VAL :sequence
=VAL :one
=VAL :two
=VAL :mapping
=VAL :sky
=VAL :blue
=VAL :sea
=VAL :green
# SBG9 - Flow Sequence in Flow Mapping
+MAP {}
=VAL :a
+SEQ []
=VAL :b
=VAL :c
+SEQ []
=VAL :d
=VAL :e
=VAL :f
# SKE5 - Anchor before zero indented sequence
+DOC ---
=VAL :seq
+SEQ &anchor
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
# SM9W:00 - Single character streams
=VAL :
# SM9W:01 - Single character streams
=VAL :
=VAL :
# SSW6 - Spec Example 7.7. Single Quoted Characters [1.3]
'here''s to "quotes"'
+DOC ---
=VAL 'here's to "quotes"
# SYW4 - Spec Example 2.2. Mapping Scalars to Scalars
hr: 65 # Home runs
avg: 0.278 # Batting average
rbi: 147 # Runs Batted In
"hr": 65,
"avg": 0.278,
"rbi": 147
=VAL :hr
=VAL :65
=VAL :avg
=VAL :0.278
=VAL :rbi
=VAL :147
# T26H - Spec Example 8.8. Literal Content [1.3]
--- |
# Comment
"\n\nliteral\n \n\ntext\n"
+DOC ---
=VAL |\n\nliteral\n \n\ntext\n
# T4YY - Spec Example 7.9. Single Quoted Lines [1.3]
' 1st non-empty
2nd non-empty
3rd non-empty '
" 1st non-empty\n2nd non-empty 3rd non-empty "
+DOC ---
=VAL ' 1st non-empty\n2nd non-empty 3rd non-empty
# T5N4 - Spec Example 8.7. Literal Scalar [1.3]
+DOC ---
=VAL |literal\n\ttext\n
# TE2A - Spec Example 8.16. Block Mappings
block mapping:
key: value
"block mapping": {
"key": "value"
=VAL :block mapping
=VAL :key
=VAL :value
# TL85 - Spec Example 6.8. Flow Folding
=VAL " foo\nbar\nbaz
# TS54 - Folded Block Scalar
=VAL >ab cd\nef\n\ngh\n
# U3C3 - Spec Example 6.16. “TAG” directive
%TAG !yaml! tag:yaml.org,2002:
!yaml!str "foo"
+DOC ---
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> "foo
# U3XV - Node and Mapping Key Anchors
top1: &node1
&k1 key1: one
top2: &node2 # comment
key2: two
&k3 key3: three
&k4 key4: four
key5: five
top6: &val6
&val7 seven
"top1": {
"key1": "one"
"top2": {
"key2": "two"
"top3": {
"key3": "three"
"top4": {
"key4": "four"
"top5": {
"key5": "five"
"top6": "six",
"top7": "seven"
+DOC ---
=VAL :top1
+MAP &node1
=VAL &k1 :key1
=VAL :one
=VAL :top2
+MAP &node2
=VAL :key2
=VAL :two
=VAL :top3
=VAL &k3 :key3
=VAL :three
=VAL :top4
+MAP &node4
=VAL &k4 :key4
=VAL :four
=VAL :top5
+MAP &node5
=VAL :key5
=VAL :five
=VAL :top6
=VAL &val6 :six
=VAL :top7
=VAL &val7 :seven
# U9NS - Spec Example 2.8. Play by Play Feed from a Game
time: 20:03:20
player: Sammy Sosa
action: strike (miss)
time: 20:03:47
player: Sammy Sosa
action: grand slam
"time": "20:03:20",
"player": "Sammy Sosa",
"action": "strike (miss)"
"time": "20:03:47",
"player": "Sammy Sosa",
"action": "grand slam"
+DOC ---
=VAL :time
=VAL :20:03:20
=VAL :player
=VAL :Sammy Sosa
=VAL :action
=VAL :strike (miss)
-DOC ...
+DOC ---
=VAL :time
=VAL :20:03:47
=VAL :player
=VAL :Sammy Sosa
=VAL :action
=VAL :grand slam
-DOC ...
# UDM2 - Plain URL in flow mapping
- { url: http://example.org }
"url": "http://example.org"
+MAP {}
=VAL :url
=VAL :http://example.org
# UDR7 - Spec Example 5.4. Flow Collection Indicators
sequence: [ one, two, ]
mapping: { sky: blue, sea: green }
"sequence": [
"mapping": {
"sky": "blue",
"sea": "green"
=VAL :sequence
+SEQ []
=VAL :one
=VAL :two
=VAL :mapping
+MAP {}
=VAL :sky
=VAL :blue
=VAL :sea
=VAL :green
# UGM3 - Spec Example 2.27. Invoice
--- !<tag:clarkevans.com,2002:invoice>
invoice: 34843
date : 2001-01-23
bill-to: &id001
given : Chris
family : Dumars
lines: |
458 Walkman Dr.
Suite #292
city : Royal Oak
state : MI
postal : 48046
ship-to: *id001
- sku : BL394D
quantity : 4
description : Basketball
price : 450.00
- sku : BL4438H
quantity : 1
description : Super Hoop
price : 2392.00
tax : 251.42
total: 4443.52
Late afternoon is best.
Backup contact is Nancy
Billsmer @ 338-4338.
"invoice": 34843,
"date": "2001-01-23",
"bill-to": {
"given": "Chris",
"family": "Dumars",
"address": {
"lines": "458 Walkman Dr.\nSuite #292\n",
"city": "Royal Oak",
"state": "MI",
"postal": 48046
"ship-to": {
"given": "Chris",
"family": "Dumars",
"address": {
"lines": "458 Walkman Dr.\nSuite #292\n",
"city": "Royal Oak",
"state": "MI",
"postal": 48046
"product": [
"sku": "BL394D",
"quantity": 4,
"description": "Basketball",
"price": 450
"sku": "BL4438H",
"quantity": 1,
"description": "Super Hoop",
"price": 2392
"tax": 251.42,
"total": 4443.52,
"comments": "Late afternoon is best. Backup contact is Nancy Billsmer @ 338-4338."
+DOC ---
+MAP <tag:clarkevans.com,2002:invoice>
=VAL :invoice
=VAL :34843
=VAL :date
=VAL :2001-01-23
=VAL :bill-to
+MAP &id001
=VAL :given
=VAL :Chris
=VAL :family
=VAL :Dumars
=VAL :address
=VAL :lines
=VAL |458 Walkman Dr.\nSuite #292\n
=VAL :city
=VAL :Royal Oak
=VAL :state
=VAL :postal
=VAL :48046
=VAL :ship-to
=ALI *id001
=VAL :product
=VAL :sku
=VAL :BL394D
=VAL :quantity
=VAL :4
=VAL :description
=VAL :Basketball
=VAL :price
=VAL :450.00
=VAL :sku
=VAL :BL4438H
=VAL :quantity
=VAL :1
=VAL :description
=VAL :Super Hoop
=VAL :price
=VAL :2392.00
=VAL :tax
=VAL :251.42
=VAL :total
=VAL :4443.52
=VAL :comments
=VAL :Late afternoon is best. Backup contact is Nancy Billsmer @ 338-4338.
# UKK6:00 - Syntax character edge cases
=VAL :
=VAL :
# UKK6:01 - Syntax character edge cases
=VAL ::
=VAL :
# UKK6:02 - Syntax character edge cases
=VAL <!> :
# UT92 - Spec Example 9.4. Explicit Documents
{ matches
% : 20 }
# Empty
+DOC ---
+MAP {}
=VAL :matches %
=VAL :20
-DOC ...
+DOC ---
=VAL :
-DOC ...
# UV7Q - Legal tab after indentation
=VAL :x
=VAL :x x
# V55R - Aliases in Block Sequence
=VAL &a :a
=VAL &b :b
=ALI *a
=ALI *b
# V9D5 - Spec Example 8.19. Compact Block Mappings
- sun: yellow
- ? earth: blue
: moon: white
=VAL :sun
=VAL :yellow
=VAL :earth
=VAL :blue
=VAL :moon
=VAL :white
# VJP3:01 - Flow collections over many lines
=VAL :k
+MAP {}
=VAL :k
=VAL :v
# W42U - Spec Example 8.15. Block Sequence Entry Types
- # Empty
- |
block node
- - one # Compact
- two # sequence
- one: two # Compact mapping
"block node\n",
"one": "two"
=VAL :
=VAL |block node\n
=VAL :one
=VAL :two
=VAL :one
=VAL :two
# W4TN - Spec Example 9.5. Directives Documents
%YAML 1.2
--- |
%YAML 1.2
# Empty
+DOC ---
=VAL |%!PS-Adobe-2.0\n
-DOC ...
+DOC ---
=VAL :
-DOC ...
# W5VH - Allowed characters in alias
a: &:@*!$"<foo>: scalar a
b: *:@*!$"<foo>:
"a": "scalar a",
"b": "scalar a"
=VAL :a
=VAL &:@*!$"<foo>: :scalar a
=VAL :b
=ALI *:@*!$"<foo>:
# WZ62 - Spec Example 7.2. Empty Content
foo : !!str,
!!str : bar,
+MAP {}
=VAL :foo
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :
=VAL <tag:yaml.org,2002:str> :
=VAL :bar
# X38W - Aliases in Flow Objects
{ &a [a, &b b]: *b, *a : [c, *b, d]}
+MAP {}
+SEQ [] &a
=VAL :a
=VAL &b :b
=ALI *b
=ALI *a
+SEQ []
=VAL :c
=ALI *b
=VAL :d
# X8DW - Explicit key and value seperated by comment
? key
# comment
: value
+DOC ---
=VAL :key
=VAL :value
# XLQ9 - Multiline scalar that looks like a YAML directive
+DOC ---
=VAL :scalar %YAML 1.2
# XV9V - Spec Example 6.5. Empty Lines [1.3]
"Empty line
as a line feed"
Chomping: |
Clipped empty lines
"Folding": "Empty line\nas a line feed",
"Chomping": "Clipped empty lines\n"
=VAL :Folding
=VAL "Empty line\nas a line feed
=VAL :Chomping
=VAL |Clipped empty lines\n
# XW4D - Various Trailing Comments
a: "double
quotes" # lala
b: plain
value # lala
c : #lala
? # lala
- seq1
: # lala
- #lala
&node # lala
- x: y
block: > # lala
=VAL :a
=VAL "double quotes
=VAL :b
=VAL :plain value
=VAL :c
=VAL :d
=VAL :seq1
=VAL :seq2
=VAL :e
+SEQ &node
=VAL :x
=VAL :y
=VAL :block
=VAL >abcde\n
# Y2GN - Anchor with colon in the middle
+DOC ---
=VAL :key
=VAL &an:chor :value
# Y79Y:001 - Tabs in various contexts
"foo": "\t\n",
"bar": 1
=VAL :foo
=VAL |\t\n
=VAL :bar
=VAL :1
# Y79Y:002 - Tabs in various contexts
+SEQ []
=VAL :foo
# Y79Y:010 - Tabs in various contexts
=VAL :-1
# YD5X - Spec Example 2.5. Sequence of Sequences
- [name , hr, avg ]
- [Mark McGwire, 65, 0.278]
- [Sammy Sosa , 63, 0.288]
"Mark McGwire",
"Sammy Sosa",
+SEQ []
=VAL :name
=VAL :hr
=VAL :avg
+SEQ []
=VAL :Mark McGwire
=VAL :65
=VAL :0.278
+SEQ []
=VAL :Sammy Sosa
=VAL :63
=VAL :0.288
# Z67P - Spec Example 8.21. Block Scalar Nodes [1.3]
literal: |2
folded: !foo >1
"literal": "value\n",
"folded": "value\n"
=VAL :literal
=VAL |value\n
=VAL :folded
=VAL <!foo> >value\n
# Z9M4 - Spec Example 6.22. Global Tag Prefix
%TAG !e! tag:example.com,2000:app/
- !e!foo "bar"
+DOC ---
=VAL <tag:example.com,2000:app/foo> "bar
# ZF4X - Spec Example 2.6. Mapping of Mappings
Mark McGwire: {hr: 65, avg: 0.278}
Sammy Sosa: {
hr: 63,
avg: 0.288
"Mark McGwire": {
"hr": 65,
"avg": 0.278
"Sammy Sosa": {
"hr": 63,
"avg": 0.288
=VAL :Mark McGwire
+MAP {}
=VAL :hr
=VAL :65
=VAL :avg
=VAL :0.278
=VAL :Sammy Sosa
+MAP {}
=VAL :hr
=VAL :63
=VAL :avg
=VAL :0.288
# ZH7C - Anchors in Mapping
=VAL &a :a
=VAL :b
=VAL :c
=VAL &d :d
# ZK9H - Nested top level flow mapping
"key": [
+MAP {}
=VAL :key
+SEQ []
+SEQ []
+SEQ []
=VAL :value
# ZWK4 - Key with anchor after missing explicit mapping value
a: 1
? b
&anchor c: 3
"a": 1,
"b": null,
"c": 3
+DOC ---
=VAL :a
=VAL :1
=VAL :b
=VAL :
=VAL &anchor :c
=VAL :3